Will Someone Please Take the Time to Read This and Please Offer Some Advice? Please Help! Thank You

Question by Sunny: Will someone please take the time to read this and please offer some advice? Please Help! Thank You
My friend is homeless. He just completed a 6mo. drug rehab program in Clinton SC. He has been living in a halfway house up there. In the halfway house you have to pay your rent, and he recently got laid off his job. The drug rehab is sponsored by a church so it was completely free. Any way he wants to come back to the area where I am in Anderson County SC, but I told him he needs to have a place to go. I will help all I can but I have already lived with this man for 9 years and I am not going to take care of him like I did before. I am not trying to be mean but I feel like he needs to do stuff on his own. I feel bad for him. Right now he is still in Clinton and he slept in a friends car last night. He called the haven of rest down here in anderson but they said all the beds are full and they have a waiting list. Can someone offer any advice? Please help

Best answer:

Answer by Melanie
Talk to him and tell him that even though you’re both good friends you don’t want to be responsible for him. Tell him if he stays with you he has to be able to take care of himself and not bother you.

Answer by Lindss.
Let him know you care for him but you can’t be his babysitter.
You could let him stay with you but tell him he needs to get a job and stay under control and out of trouble.
Then when he has a steady job and a decent income, he could get his own place.
Just encourage him to get a job and try hard to stay clean and sober.

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