What Is More Important? Your Sobriety or Life Messed Up?
Question by deaf2guy: what is more important? your sobriety or life messed up?
a lot of people are out there ending up in jails, prisons, on the streets. as a proud graduate, this saturday will be my 5th month of recovery.If i can do it, you all can do it too! i went to a treatment center in vancouver washington. they taught me things i have never known. no more drugs for me ever again. i owe my life to my high power and to a good friend like a brother i never had. if it was not for him, i would not be here today. i’m very grateful addict in recovery. it helps me to spread the word to others in need of help.
Best answer:
Answer by ronald h
Congratulations on your sobriety, one day at a time. Thank you for sharing.r
Answer by tgal
Congrats!! That is a terrific way to end the old year and a great way to start a new year and a new you! That is a story you definitely need to tell… especially if you see someone that might need a shoulder or helping hand. Your sobriety is the best thing you may have right now, but if you continue on the right path and trust your future to God and His guidance, anything is possible!! May God’s blessings be upon you, young man. Enjoy what God has given you — a new beginning!
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