united states

Statistics of How Many Have a Drug Addictions in America?

Question by : statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america?
statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america ?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.
In one research study, approximately 1 in 5 people between the ages of 16 and… Continue reading

What Do the Different Degrees of Sex Offenses Stand for in Maryland?

Question by Greencastle PS: What do the different degrees of sex offenses stand for in Maryland?
I am reading about a man accused of multiple counts of sex offenses and abuse of a child. The newspaper gave samples of what he is charged with. I know this man, he… Continue reading

Marijuana Addiction


marijuana addiction – Marijuana—commonly called pot or weed—remains the most commonly used illegal substance in the United States, Kg6LMI6QU3. It is a well-known fact that there a…


What DARE Didn't Teach You About the Effects of Marijuana

Filed under: marijuana addiction help

I spoke with Kevin Sabet, Ph.D,… Continue reading

What Are Good Mental Heath Rehabs on the West Coast?

Question by Jesskah: What are good mental heath rehabs on the west coast?
Preferably in Washington or Oregon.

Best answer:

Answer by D.D
I think you are confused a little……there are no mental health rehabs just for mental health, rehabilitation places are usually related to drugs and addictions. Therapy… Continue reading

How Can I Volunteer or Intern at a Mental Health Facility And/or at Drug Rehab Places?

Question by unhuman: How can i volunteer or intern at a mental health facility and/or at drug rehab places?
i want to want to become a drug/alcohol counselor, for a intermediate carrier goal, the certificate only takes a year or so. i been going to college for 2 yrs,… Continue reading

Racial Statistics on Poverty, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction?

Question by N. in ATL: Racial statistics on poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction?
In the United States is race a factor for African Americans with respect to poverty, alcoholism and drug addiction? I’m looking for statistics to prove it exists.

Best answer:

Answer by Joss
You’ll have to research… Continue reading

The Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse


The Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse – Global Solutions to Global Challenges-Part 3 Theme: The Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse in the General Population, the Work Force, and the Crimina…


The Alarming Spread of Prescription Drug Deaths Across the US

Filed under: drug abuse… Continue reading

How Many Year Can a Junkie Stay on Metadon and How Can He Get Out of This ‘treatment’?

Question by Chips: How many year can a junkie stay on metadon and how can he get out of this ‘treatment’?
I know a person who is a drug addicted and lately he is been using metadon to substitute drugs. He wants to know how much more time he… Continue reading

What Effect Does Alcohol and Drug Abuse Have on Teenagers?

Question by : What effect does alcohol and drug abuse have on teenagers?
Consider the ways that alcohol and other drugs abuse affect the teenagers

Best answer:

Answer by ceko
basically drop in school performances, grades, and unable to pay attention to certain matters, or think rationally….

What do you… Continue reading

Physician Describes the Benefits of Suboxone and the “Help to Help” Program.


Physician describes the benefits of Suboxone and the “Help to Help” program. – A Physician describes the benefits of the “Help to Help” program and using Suboxone in the treatment of nacotic addiction.


Reckitt Benckiser may sell pharmaceuticals business

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

The pharmaceuticals business… Continue reading