united state

Does American Liberalism and the Promotion of Identity Politics Aim at Diversity of the Ruling Class Instead ?

Question by justgoodfolk: Does American liberalism and the promotion of identity politics aim at diversity of the ruling class instead ?
of equality for all like this article suggests and socialists believe? How do liberals react to these left wing observations concerning their ideology?

The top one percent in… Continue reading

One More Question About Pregnancy Discharge?

Question by diyola02: One more question about pregnancy discharge?
Can you have the milky white discharge even before you’ve found out if your pregnant for sure or not? I am TTC and I’ve all of a sudden noticed a total increase in this White discharge, so much so that… Continue reading

Is the Ypsilanti Mental Institution Still Standing?

Question by Amriel: is the Ypsilanti mental institution still standing?
is it still standing? i mean would we be able to get in? if not, is their any other abandoned mental institutions that are still standing and that are open to the public?

Best answer:

Answer by ranunculusviridis
Ypsilanti… Continue reading

Neighbors File Lawsuit Against Addiction Treatment Center Development


Neighbors file lawsuit against addiction treatment center development – Heartland Family Service wants to transform the former Park Crest Apartments into a new million residential addictions treatment center.


Study: State pension shortfalls reach .1 trillion

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers in washington state

America's state-level public employee… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment


Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment – Lakeside-Milam is Washington State’s most effective drug and alcohol recovery program. Drug and alcohol treatment for adults and adolescents. www.lakesidemil…


Embracing the right medicine for alcoholics

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers in washington state

WASHINGTON – With about 80,000 Americans dying… Continue reading

Boston Massachusetts Christian Alcohol Treatment Center


Boston Massachusetts Christian Alcohol Treatment Center – http://transformationstreatment.com/christian-treatment-center/ Transformations Treatment Centers offers a recovery client the chance to participate in indiv…


Female drug overdoses on the rise nationally, and locally

Filed under: drug treatment centers in massachusetts

The prescription drug Xanax and other drugs in the benzodiazepine class… Continue reading

Any Suggestions for This Letter Regarding Smoking to My Kentucky State Senator?

Question by miniCruzer: Any suggestions for this letter regarding smoking to my Kentucky State Senator?
Samuel Hoffman

601 W. Broadway St.
Room 630
Louisville, KY 40202
Mitchell McConnell
Dear Mr. McConnell
My name is Samuel Hoffman, and I am a resident of . I have lived in for… Continue reading

How Do I Find the Perfect Addiction Treatment Center for My Boyfriend Who’s a Drug Addict?

Question by Belinda B: How do I find the perfect addiction treatment center for my boyfriend who’s a drug addict?
My boyfriend is a drug addict. He started taking drugs when he lost his job in an advertising firm, which he loves to pieces. I can’t really blame him… Continue reading

What Are the Cause and Effects of Prescription Drug Abuse?

Question by Rachael: What are the cause and effects of prescription drug abuse?
I am writing a causal paper and i need some causes and effects of prescription drug abuse. thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Jennifer
Hi…..well there are,of course many causes for drug abuse/addiction,and there are times when… Continue reading

If You Get the Full Entitlement Package From the Gov?

Question by 60 min man: if you get the full entitlement package from the gov?
what would be the full benefit amount of those programs? max on food stamps, max on welfare checks? we all know you can get housing for free($ 400-$ 600) a month, free cable($ 50)… Continue reading