treatment options

New York City What Are My Options for Emergency Housing as a Female?

Question by : new york city what are my options for emergency housing as a female?
I am a recoving alcoholic and need to find sober living housing for women. any ideas??

Best answer:

Answer by smartman11222
117 Sober Living Homes in NY
Non-profit directory for NY Sober Living Homes,… Continue reading

Lasting Drug and Alcohol Recovery! Northbound Treatment Services


Lasting Drug and Alcohol Recovery! Northbound Treatment Services – If you have a loved one suffering from addiction, call today to discuss treatment options, 866-319-2301 In this video Paul Alexand…


Rifle Police Department & Garfield County Sheriff's Office Cop Shop Report

Filed under: Drug Abuse Mesa… Continue reading

Inpatient Drug Treatment


Inpatient Drug Treatment – Inpatient drug treatment is one of the two options available for those battling drug addiction. The other option is outpatient drug treatment. Both options c…


Gun Control: Get the Lead Out

Filed under: drug rehab treatment options

There are options from the manufacturers to… Continue reading

What Can Percocet Abuse Do to Your Baby During Pregnancy?

Question by Amanda: What can Percocet abuse do to your baby during pregnancy?
A girl I know is due in August and has been abusing the pills before she found out and ever since she found out. She has been taking 5-8 a day. The doctor supposedly tells her… Continue reading

Why Are Some Drug Addicts Rewarded With “free” Drugs and Others Sentenced to Years in Prison?

Question by ern.ev2u: Why are some drug addicts rewarded with “free” drugs and others sentenced to years in prison?
If drugs are so bad why do so many people take them? Does anyone have the right to tell me what i can or cant do to my own body.… Continue reading

Where and What Is the Best Drug Rehab Center?

Question by blueshroom: Where and what is the best Drug Rehab center?
Looking for a drug rehab center for 19 y/o who is abusing opiates.
We are in South Jersey. We’ve tried, individual psychotherapy, Intensive outpt.

I’m not sure if they want treatment because they want to get well… Continue reading

Could You Help Me to My Research Paper All About Drug Addiction?

Question by nicole perez p: Could you help me to my research paper all about drug addiction?
Could you help to my research paper all about Causes of Drug Addiction( enviromental causes, family problems and peer pressure) could you give me some information about this topic

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

How Can You Have Someone Committed to a Mental Institution?

Question by Haley J: How can you have someone committed to a mental institution?
My brother is 50 years old and a drug addict. He lives off my 67 year old mother. He has had heart attacks and strokes but continues to do drugs daily. How can I have… Continue reading

California Drug Treatment Options and Considerations


California Drug Treatment Options And Considerations – Pathways Recovery provides drug treatment at our Northern California facility beginning with detox treatment. This is followed up with drug counseling and outpatient rehab. Learn more about our California drug treatment program at


Bill Nelson: Congress Should Take Same Sequester… Continue reading

What Career Would Let Me Work With Venom?

Question by Rachael: What career would let me work with venom?
I’m very interested in a scientific or medical career. One potential option is studying the effects of venom on the human body, and developing anti-venoms.

Best answer:

Answer by haldaas81

Add your own answer in the comments!… Continue reading