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How to Make My Hair Grow Faster?

Question by Allison: How to make my hair grow faster?
I’ve heard there’s special shampoos, and I’m willing to buy them, as long as they’re fairly cheap and actually work. I want my hair to be at least 6 inches longer by summer… see my hair grows super slow.… Continue reading

If the “War on Drugs” Has Failed, Is Legalization the Answer?


If the “War On Drugs” has Failed, is Legalization the Answer? – Leigh Maddox and Peter Christ (members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition): The “War on Drugs” helped create a situation where from gangs, to police to lawyers to jails, there is massive amounts of money to be made… Continue reading

More Phony Lies (And Quotes) From Rush Limbaugh..


More Phony Lies (and quotes) From Rush Limbaugh.. – UPDATE: Tell Congress to Dump Rush Today, General Wes Clark is asking you to join 34118 other Americans and email Congress urging them to take Rush Limbaugh off Armed Forces Radio. Last week, Rush Limbaugh labeled American servicemembers who… Continue reading

How Do I Get Over an Growing Addiction to Cyber Sex?

Question by Silas Huffy: How do I get over an growing addiction to cyber sex?
A few nights ago I was in a chat room and some guy and I had a sexual conversation.

I thought it was weird and felt dirty afterwords, but I keep going back to… Continue reading

Lung Cancer, Natural Protocol, Felt Great, Started Playing Golf 2-3 Times a Week, Full of Energy


Lung Cancer, Natural Protocol, felt great, started playing golf 2-3 times a week, full of energy – Instructions on Protocol: Visit Lung Cancer Natural Approach Example Tony, Lung Cancer, 4 – 5 cm, he was feeling fine after a short while, which surprised his doctors. He started playing… Continue reading

Fort Wayne, IN: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Southern California


Fort Wayne, IN: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Southern California – Laguna Beach Recovery Center (866)491-0214 Laguna Beach Recovery Center is based on a loving dignified approach, in renowned Laguna Beach, California. As an Alcohol and drug treatment recovery facility we have the highest long-term success rate in… Continue reading

14 Year Old Boy Dies of Acne Treatment, Why Wont They Name the Tablet He Took?

Question by Mr. Gingerbread man: 14 year old boy dies of acne treatment, why wont they name the tablet he took?
I don’t know if you’ve heard of this, but it made me very untrustful of acne medication and now I’m worried
Why wont they name the drug he… Continue reading

Melanotan (One) “afamelanotide” NBC News Report, November 1991


Melanotan (one) “afamelanotide” NBC News report, November 1991 – Melanotan (one) “afamelanotide” discovery by researchers at the University of Arizona in Tucson as explained by NBC News’ Robert Bazell (with Tom Brokaw introduction) in a November 1991 News report. Melanotan (one) is now being developed in Australia as a… Continue reading

USA-AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio – the Struggle for Control of the AZ / Mexico Border


USA-AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio – The struggle for control of the AZ / Mexico border – Blog Article: This video begins to show you what is happening now that we have begun to close our borders along Mexico and highlights the failure of our government to complete yet… Continue reading

How Do I Show My Love Without Enabling?


How do I show my love without enabling? – Short excerpt from “The 10 Toughest Questions Families and Friends Ask About Addiction and Recovery”


Schumer to talk about drugaddicted newborns in NY

Filed under: online drug addiction help

… with addictions to painkillers or other… Continue reading