san diego

What Does a Substance Abuse Evaluation Consist of for Marijuana?

Question by Chris: What does a substance abuse evaluation consist of for marijuana?
I live in the state of Massachusetts and I am court ordered to take a substance abuse evaluation for marijuana. What does this process consist of?

Best answer:

Answer by i’m the freshest
you will be… Continue reading

Why Is It That the More I Learn About Pets (Dogs, Cats, Etc), the More I Love Humans.?

Question by The Spammers: Why is it that the more I learn about pets (dogs, cats, etc), the more I love humans.?
I’m trying to understand my psychology. I used to have a dog and all he caused was grief. I had to buy him food. I had to… Continue reading

Another Example of Those “Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do”?

Question by L.T.M.: Another example of those “jobs Americans just won’t do”?
Sophisticated drug tunnel found in San Diego

Nov 25, 11:14 PM (ET)

SAN DIEGO (AP) – U.S. authorities on Thursday found a sophisticated tunnel used to smuggle drugs between Mexico and San Diego, the second such discovery… Continue reading

Why Does ICE Expidite Some Illegals and Not Others? Are They Playing Favorites by Direction of the Government?

Question by JJ: Why does ICE expidite some illegals and not others? Are they playing favorites by direction of the Government?
Their own site admits the danger of Illegal Mexicans but they work harder to deport “Other Than Mexican” illegal’s.
Secure Border Initiative
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)… Continue reading

Mesa Arizona Alcohol Rehab Recovery Treatment


Mesa Arizona Alcohol Rehab Recovery Treatment – There are a lot of individuals who are addicted to alcohol and have been able to enroll in an alcohol treatment center such as Transformations Treatment Center and have completed the program and now experiencing a life of happiness, sobriety and… Continue reading

Why Do Celebrities and Politicians Abuse the Drug and Alcohol Rehabs to Cover Their Scandals?

Question by spider: Why do celebrities and politicians abuse the drug and alcohol rehabs to cover their scandals?
The latest politician is San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom who committed adultry and went to the alcohol rehab.

Best answer:

Answer by 3GOLDS
Yah…..the are using it to clean up their… Continue reading

Border Fences? What Do You Think of This Idea to Keep Out Illegals?

Question by mj: Border Fences? What do you think of this idea to keep out illegals?
It doesn’t matter how high you build them. Its how to keep illegals from entering our country, injuring our border patrol, and costing California big bucks. I feel the same should apply to… Continue reading

How Long Before Joe Philbin Gets Pissed Off and Leaves the Miami Dolphins.?

Question by : How long before Joe Philbin gets pissed off and leaves the Miami Dolphins.?
They are asking him to cook a delicious meal, but they are not letting him pick the ingredients. This sucks big time! Another 3 years of rebuilding. All this team needed was to plug… Continue reading

Mesa Drug Abuse: Needing Drug Detox Is Not the Only Downside of Prescription Drug Addiction

Looking over the current news about the opioid painkiller OxyContin, we can see there’s not much change today from any other day in the last year or so. This is a drug that, despite its usefulness for helping serious chronic pain sufferers, has created a dark side of prescription drug… Continue reading

What Is a Good Online Source of Drug Addiction Help.?

Question by : What is a good online source of drug addiction help.?
Are there any good narcotics recovery forums online

Best answer:

Answer by Beautiful Lifexo
go to im on there myself im struggeling with addiction myself. been about 6 to 7 months friday i start detox with… Continue reading