mental illness

How Many Different Routes Can Someone Take With a Criminal Justice Degree?

Question by xtremelyeuro: How many different routes can someone take with a criminal justice degree?
I heard people say that a person can go in many directions with a criminal justice degree. Besides, traditional law enforcement (cop in uniform), what other routes can a person with a criminal justice… Continue reading

For Which of the Following Reasons Is Drug Addiction Considered a Complex Brain Disease?

Question by Devin: For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
3. For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
(Points : 1)
Those who are addicted usually have a mental illness.

Use of drugs over time… Continue reading

Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Video


Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse Video – This is a video I made for one of my classes that highlights the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol use at a young age. The songs in this video are…


5 Effective Parenting Programs to Reduce Problem Behaviors in… Continue reading

Alcohol Treatment Centers in Minnesota | Call 800-303-2938 for Information


Alcohol Treatment Centers in Minnesota | Call 800-839-1682 For Information – Alcohol Treatment Centers in Minnesota – Call 800-839-1682 For Information Our Alcohol Treatment Centers are known to be the best here in Minnesota. We offer…


Deep Brain Stimulation May Help with Driving for People with Parkinson's Disease… Continue reading

What Sign Is the Most Susceptible to Becoming a Drug addict/Alcoholic?

Question by Buffoon: What sign is the most susceptible to becoming a drug addict/Alcoholic?

…Or, if you have any friends who are either of these, what sign are they?

Best answer:

Answer by Marko
First place pisces,second place cancers

Add your own answer in the comments!



Indiana… Continue reading

What Is an Amazing Book I Should Buy Next?

Question by brittyface: What is an amazing book I should buy next?
Something actually WORTH reading. Like literature, teen/adult addictions/lives, books that mean something. I really want something good to read.
Haha, I read some of “Why I’m Not A Christian.” I liked it. 😉

Best answer:

Answer by… Continue reading

Help With Addiction. Daphna Hernandez, CCDC & Life Coach


Help with Addiction. Daphna Hernandez, CCDC & Life Coach – Daphna Hernandez is a CCDC – Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor. As a Life Coach, she specializes in helping families help their loved ones who suffer f…


Character matters

Filed under: addiction help for families

Breakdown in families, deterioration… Continue reading

Statistics of How Many Have a Drug Addictions in America?

Question by : statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america?
statistics of how many have a drug addictions in america ?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex,one-eyed in the land of the blind.
In one research study, approximately 1 in 5 people between the ages of 16 and… Continue reading

Former Police Auditor Calls for Justice Department Investigation


Former Police Auditor Calls for Justice Department Investigation – THE G-MAN INTERVIEWS: TRISTAN BONN Says Corruption, Racism and Excessive Force Rampant Within the Omaha Police Department MAY 11, 2013 – MAJOR UPDATE REGARDI…


North Penn Life Community Datebook: Week of Nov. 24

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act… Continue reading

Lubbock Mayor Glen Robertson on Terminating City Manager Lee Ann Dumbauld


Lubbock Mayor Glen Robertson on terminating City Manager Lee Ann Dumbauld – Lubbock Mayor Glen Robertson voted against the Lubbock City Council’s 4-3 decision to terminate City Manager Lee Ann Dumbauld Monday, July 15.


Question, persuade, refer

Filed under: drug addiction help in clarion county

“Access to health… Continue reading