To Those Convicted of Drug Abuse: Did Treatment Help?
Question by lyssalove: To those convicted of drug abuse: did treatment help?
I’m doing a research project for a college class about treatment vs. Punishment (jail time) and have read many statistics but would like to know directly from people who have been convicted of drug abuse: did you… Continue reading
What Causes Shopping Addiction?
What causes shopping addiction? – Shopping addiction is caused by, primarily, the fact that you can get a physiological perk from buying something which initially you want. Even down the road…
Robin Huebner Reports: Fargo native has soft spot, tough love for troubled youth
Filed under: shopping addiction… Continue reading
Addiction Help Center
Addiction Help Center – Discover how to choose the best Addiction Help Center and Drug Rehab Addiction Center. This decision could be the most importan…
Jesse Paul Speer Pleads Guilty To Kidnapping Wyoming Girl, 10
Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh
Speer's attorney, J. Travis Smith,… Continue reading
Can Addiction Hotline Cure My Heroin Addiction
Can Addiction Hotline Cure My Heroin Addiction – Just like any kind of addiction, heroin addiction is a disease. Those who are afflicted with heroin addiction who want to be free from it would naturally wan…
Support Groups Erie Times-News
Filed under: drug abuse hotline
Lake Erie PRIDE… Continue reading
How Come People on Government Assistance Are Not Subject to a Drug Test Before and While Receiving Benefits?
Question by FAITH: How come people on government assistance are not subject to a drug test before and while receiving benefits?
Our tax dollars are paying for a lot of people’s drug addictions. I know here in California, most people on welfare are also on some type of drug… Continue reading
Georgia Drug Treatment?
Question by Christian: Georgia drug treatment?
Does anyone know of a drug treatment center in Georgia that actually helps and can keep the person in after the 72 hour period is over
Best answer:
Answer by pat7770
Hey, look, try the yellow pages under Alcoholism or Addictions treatment and… Continue reading
Why Call Addiction Hotline?
Why Call Addiction Hotline? – Everyone is familiar with addiction hotlines. The numbers are displayed on newspapers and advertisements and they can also be found on certain websites. You …
Community Calendar — Nov. 19, 2013
Filed under: drug abuse help hotline
Delaware County Women Against Rape seeks… Continue reading
What Are Some Major Teen Issues in Todays Society?
Question by Lily: What are some major teen issues in todays society?
I prefer feedback from teens themselves. I know as teens we are in the center of all ythe problems. We actually know whats going on in our highschools, we can speak better for our selves then the… Continue reading
What Are Some Statistics on the Effects of Drug Abuse?
Question by thats whats up: What are some statistics on the effects of drug abuse?
im doing a project for my high school FCCLA program. It is over the long term effects of juvenile drug abuse and how it effects you. I need more stats on what happens when… Continue reading