drug problem

Senator Feinstein Chairs a Senate Drug Caucus Hearing on Prescription Drug Abuse


Senator Feinstein chairs a Senate Drug Caucus hearing on prescription drug abuse – Senator Dianne Feinstein chairs a Senate Drug Caucus hearing on prescription drug abuse, the fastest growing drug problem in the United States, especially among youth.


Kenney vows new mini-visa won't pry into personal life like… Continue reading

Testimonial – Drug Rehab Phoenix Arizona | Alcohol Rehab Phoenix Arizona – the Sundance Center


Testimonial – Drug Rehab Phoenix Arizona | Alcohol Rehab Phoenix Arizona – The Sundance Center – www.thesundancecenter.com – Testimonials about those who have done drug and alcohol rehab at the Sundance Center in Scottsdale. The Sundance Center is the premier drug and alcohol rehab center in the Phoenix Area.… Continue reading

Iran Grapples With Drug Problem


Iran grapples with drug problem – Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, the Iranian president, has proposed a budget estimated at 8bn for 2011, with a promise that spending will focus on agriculture, education and research. It is unclear how much of this budget will go on tackling the nation’s rising drug problem,… Continue reading

Where Can I Find a Drug Counselor Who Is a Recovering Heroin Addict?

Question by marie: Where can I find a Drug Counselor who is a Recovering Heroin Addict?
Please Help!
I need someone for my friend to talk to. He is fighting opiate use and would like to actually talk to a recovering addict who has turned to be a drug… Continue reading

In Florida, How Is Shared Parental Visitation Be Enforced if One Parent Has a Recreational Drug Problem?

Question by thinking outside the box: In Florida, How is Shared Parental Visitation be enforced if one parent has a recreational drug problem?
I am going through a divorce in Florida and trying to determine how to handle my Shared Parenting Visitation with my STBX (soon to be ex).… Continue reading

Teenage Drug Abuse Statistics


Teenage Drug Abuse Statistics – Teenage drug abuse statistics at www.drug-aware.com. How many young people use drugs? Have a look at http for additional information. There are a variety of places you can look at for figures, however one of the best are the ones presented by the British… Continue reading

Are There Any Adults Who Have Been Thru Oklahoma Juvenile Inpatient Drug Rehab and Does It Work?

Question by ok.ombudsman: Are there any adults who have been thru Oklahoma juvenile inpatient drug rehab and does it work?
My 17 1/2 year old son takes many pills and smokes green. It may be screweing up his college opportunities, which is something he wants. He has a religious… Continue reading

Beverly Hills 90210 Questions?

Question by seeking_answers: beverly hills 90210 questions?
i have a few questions///
who had a drug problem and what drug?
i know kelly-coke
and dylan- speedballs

who was pregnant/had an abortion/had a pregnancy scare?
i know susan had an abortion
brenda had a scare
andrea has a… Continue reading

CIA Linked to Crack Cocaine Epidemic


CIA Linked to Crack Cocaine Epidemic – Daily News @ RevolutionNews.US ~ A former narcotics agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration said today that he could document evidence that his agency knew of the shipments of cocaine flown from Central America to the United States. Celerino Castillo III confirmed… Continue reading

What Happens if the Mother Wants to Put Their Baby Up for Adoption but the Father Doesn’t?

Question by sdkldfkjlldjfk .: What happens if the mother wants to put their baby up for adoption but the father doesn’t?
What if..

A woman is pregnant by a man who was not her boyfriend or husband.. & she wants to put the baby up for adoption to give… Continue reading