drug free

14 Year Old Boy Dies of Acne Treatment, Why Wont They Name the Tablet He Took?

Question by Mr. Gingerbread man: 14 year old boy dies of acne treatment, why wont they name the tablet he took?
I don’t know if you’ve heard of this, but it made me very untrustful of acne medication and now I’m worried
Why wont they name the drug he… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Addiction?

Question by Joe: Prescription Drug Addiction?
I think that I might have a prescription drug addiction. Please Help!!!

Best answer:

Answer by busylady0615
well, it depends on what it is. if it is a painkiller (probably, those are the most addictive) then you should go to your dr. let… Continue reading

How Do I Pay My Mortgage if I Go Into a Drug Rehab Program. I Will Forsure Lose My Job..?

Question by Little p: How do I pay my mortgage if I go into a drug rehab program. I will forsure lose my job..?
Can you buy insurance that will cover your monthly bills while you’re unable to work?

Best answer:

Answer by Swansea
if you go to rehab… Continue reading

How Can I Become Drug Free?

Question by : How can i become Drug Free?
I am having a bad habit of the drug addiction and i want to quit but how..please help me out

and can you explain this step )- Understand drugs and situations that may arise


Best answer:

Answer by ???!Meghan!???
omg… Continue reading

Hear True Stories From Actual Recovering Clearview High School Addicts


Hear true stories from actual recovering Clearview High School addicts – Save-A-Friend is a community action group with a mission to help families in our community affected by drug addiction. There are many families in our community suffering in shame and silence. We provide not only a monthly support… Continue reading

How Does the VA Help Veterans With Alcohol/drug Addictions…?

Question by marybuko: How does the VA help veterans with alcohol/drug addictions…?
…my next door neighbor is a Vietnam Vet and has a bad alcohol/drug addiction. He said the VA has sent him to drug rehabs, but he still has a substance abuse problem…and probably also has PTSD. Is… Continue reading

Dr. Phil Family: Admitting to Drug Abuse


Dr. Phil Family: Admitting to Drug Abuse – Subscribe to the Dr. Phil YouTube Channel: bitly.com LIKE us on Facebook: bitly.com Follow us on Twitter: bitly.com It’s been six months since Dr. Phil’s last meeting with 23-year-old Alexandra — is she finally ready to tell the truth? From years… Continue reading

Drug Use Arizona: The Basics on Drug Testing for Medical Marijuana

The most common method of drug testing in this country for narcotics, marijuana, and illicit substances is a urinalysis. Marijuana has been known to stay in one’s system for days or even weeks in high enough amounts to produce a positive urinalysis. The interesting thing here is that a positive… Continue reading

Drugs & Addiction : How to Help Drug Addicts


Drugs & Addiction : How to Help Drug Addicts – Helping drug addicts begins by assessing their readiness for change, as they will go through four stages of change, including pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation and action. Guide drug addicts through this hard time in their lives with information from a… Continue reading

Water Pick Attachment as Drug Free Allergy Treatment?

Question by Bill Cousert: Water Pick attachment as drug free allergy treatment?
About ten years ago, I saw a short news segment about an attatchment for a Water Pick machine that would allow you to irrigate your sinuses. It was supposedly a drug free treatment for seasonal allergies.

Does… Continue reading