drug enforcement administration

Richmond Takes Back Prescription Drugs, Again

Richmond takes back prescription drugs, again

Filed under: drug treatment news 2012

A strategically placed 2012 Chevy Camaro patrol car attracted the attention of passersby, which gave police representatives the opportunity to educate the adults on the risks of prescription drugs in the home and drug abuse while entertaining… Continue reading

Dr. Phil Family: Admitting to Drug Abuse


Dr. Phil Family: Admitting to Drug Abuse – Subscribe to the Dr. Phil YouTube Channel: bitly.com LIKE us on Facebook: bitly.com Follow us on Twitter: bitly.com It’s been six months since Dr. Phil’s last meeting with 23-year-old Alexandra — is she finally ready to tell the truth? From years… Continue reading

In a Contest With Alcohol and Tobacco, Marijuana Wins

In a contest with alcohol and tobacco, marijuana wins

Filed under: drug addiction news blog

Pretend for a moment you're watching a news report on television about a new illicit narcotic the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has discovered. Authorities are warning that it's highly addictive and contains over 600 chemical… Continue reading

Drug Addiction News Stories Recent: Florida Prescription Drug Addiction Can Lead to Deadly Polydrug Abuse

Prescription drugs can be dangerous to your health, and many are seriously addictive and can even kill you. But a recent Florida study of drug-related deaths in Florida reveals that far more people suddenly fall victim to lethal drug combinations — called polydrug abuse — than to individual drugs, and… Continue reading

Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video


Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video – Prescription Drug Abuse / PSA Video. From the public domain. Most people take medicines only for the reasons their doctors prescribe them. But an estimated 20 percent of people in the United States have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. This is… Continue reading

Drug Addiction Newspaper Articles: Drug Addiction – a Looming Catastrophe

Today, hundreds of thousands of youths across the world are taking drugs on large scale which could send shivers down the veins of the society. They are creating various kinds of indiscipline and instability in the running society. So, in near future the world will face a catastrophe if the… Continue reading

Mesa Drug Abuse: Rise in Popularity of Online Pharmacies Has Serious Consequences

The unregulated sale of controlled drugs through online pharmacies is a growing trend in the United States. In a society heavily influenced by the sultry lure of the prescription medications that are currently used to treat a variety of biological and behavioral problems, it comes as no surprise that eventually… Continue reading

Cindy McCain’s Drug Abuse Charges?

Question by NLzonie: Cindy McCain’s drug abuse charges?
How in Arizona a ZERO tolerance state did she get off on the charges of using doctors DEA numbers to obtain prescription narcotics for herself???



Best answer:

Answer by Paige
Prescription drugs are nothing compared to cocaine and marijuana.… Continue reading

How Can People Continue to Downplay Chiropractic With Articles Like This?

Question by : How can people continue to downplay Chiropractic with articles like this?
A study published in the June 2010 issue of The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, showed that people who used what the study called “Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)” received a “great deal”… Continue reading

Tell Tale Signs


Tell Tale Signs – What to do if drug use is affecting every part of your life, but you’re not the one using. It’s your child. We offer help for parents who think or know their child is using drugs or drinking.


Arizona drug cell linked to Sinaloa… Continue reading