Question About the Drug Laws?

Question by The Groove: Question about the drug laws?
Should possession of under 2 grams of meth or cocaine (powder and crack) be considered a misdemeanor instead of a felony? I don’t do drugs but I don’t think a small amount of meth or cocaine should be a felony cause most of those who possess that much aren’t those who are dealing.

Best answer:

Answer by AcetheRace
I think powdered cocaine (up to 5 grams) should be a Class B misdemeanor possession instead of a felony but I think all amounts of crack and meth should still remain a felony.

Answer by Cole
should it? that question will inspire a lot of debate.
it really is just opinion.
personally, i support rehab over jail time-studies have shown that putting drug offenders through a rehab program usually cures their addiction-and means they are much less likely to be arrested again.
to quote a song:

All research and successful drug policy shows
That treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
All research and successful drug policy shows
That treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased
While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences

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