How to End Your Crack Cocaine Addiction


How To End Your Crack Cocaine Addiction – Nutritional Orthomolecular approach to treating cocaine abuse. Hey, it’s Trish. We’ve had many questions about overcoming substance addiction without using methadone. To some, methadone is using a drug to treat a drug addiction, and some find it very addictive. There are many treatment options available, such as residential treatment and group support. Many relapse after they leave the controlled environment of residential treatment. Others fail with group support because sometimes you can’t talk yourself out of an addiction. There are physiological aspects that need to be addressed. Research has concluded that the brain chemistry of an addict is different than that of a sober person. The addict’s brain is rewired after prolonged abuse. Most addicts are also malnourished, lacking essential hormones and neurotransmitters required for a healthy, rational brain. So, are some books that will address restoring the brain chemistry of addicts. The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism: Orthomolecular Treatment of Addictions, by Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD and Dr. Andrew W. Saul, PhD. Here’s a synopsis of the book: This book can be a godsend for many personsfor those who suffer from alcohol addiction, for their friends and loved ones, and for those in the relevant helping professions. Its central message is that alcoholism is primarily a metabolic disease that should be treated with due consideration of its physiological roots. The old moralistic approach and the more


From Twitter:

Everyone go buy rihanna’s new perfume it’ll help fund her cocaine addiction and she’ll die faster – by jeremyscheisse (JeRIHmy)


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@jessRlewisx THANKYOU Jess. Hello guys, I’m Rebecca + I need help 4 my serious addiction to cocaineby rebeccar0wlands (? Mrs Claus ?)