How Does a 3-5 Day Alcohol Rehab Program Work?

Question by mamaT: How does a 3-5 day alcohol rehab program work?
I have a family member checking into a 3-5 day rehab program to treat alcoholism and a perscription drug addiction. I have never heard of a program this short and I am uncertainof its effectivness. Will it help?

Best answer:

Answer by 3rd account, second ban 😛
very quickly and painfully 🙂

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School Safety Focus of Board of Education Meeting

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

And earlier this year, as a result of a departmental reorganization prompted by reduced staffing and layoffs amid the township's ongoing budget crisis, it was announced that police officers would no longer be able to teach the DARE drug abuse …


Year End Review 2012 – Major Achievements & Highlights of Department of

Filed under: drug addiction help for family members

Towards this end the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, one of its flagship implementing arms has endeavoured to help set up, mentor and nurture rural youth clubs. … (v) Awareness and Education for the Prevention of Drug Abuse & Alcoholism in the States of …
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