How Do I Start a Persuasive Speech on Drug Addiction and Abuse?
Question by Taryn: How do i start a persuasive speech on drug addiction and abuse?
I am writing a persuasive speech on drug addiction and abuse for a writing class and I can’t figure out a good way to start the speech off. Please help. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Alex
You want to start by getting their attention. So you could start by saying. ‘how many people in this room would trust a drug addict with their child’ ? Drugs dont just ruin your health they destroy much of what you dont see or take for granted . They are great for getting rid of your friends and any respect you have and good for downgradig your life. Many people think the odd line of coke or a few tokes on a joint are harmless but for many people this leads them on a slow and painful road to ruin and despair this aint bullshit this is real people and you better wise up. Its easier to say no when you havent tried it so dont try it.
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Neuroscientist Marc Lewis On His Drug Addiction – Neuroscientist Marc Lewis is a former drug addict. He talks about his descent into addiction, how he finally got clean and why he’ll always be an addict. His book is “Memoirs of an Addicted Brain”.
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From Twitter:
#in8thgrade i started helping #clayton through his drug addiction. #staystrong – by serenityclark (Serenity Acacia Clar)
From Twitter:
Worried about somone’s addiction? Buy them “The Little Book – Alcoholism, Drug Addiction & Recovery Made Simple!” – by 3rdstepguy (Christopher J Daniel)
From Twitter:
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