How Can I Help My Boyfriend Stop Doing Drugs?

Question by Just Wondering: How can I help my boyfriend stop doing drugs?
My boyfriend likes smoking weed and also does coke at times and I don’t remember what else.
He says he wants to stop, he asked for my help and I’m not sure how to help him.
He hasn’t done any drugs in about a month, because something is coming up.
He’s pretty much addicted, though. He gets tempted fast and his friends or the people he talks with aren’t much of a help. They always ask him if he wants to smoke.
Soooo, my question is.. How can I help him stop?
I really care about him, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.

Best answer:

Answer by Person
Tell him to hang around drug-free people. Go into a rehabilitation center. And most importantly, support him 100%

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Trafficking summit focuses on Valley's victims

Filed under: drug addiction helpline

SURE Helpline Executive Director Margaret Sauza shared with the audience how her son was gunned down at age 26 by drug dealers and that after his death, she realized that he sold drugs. Imperial County Senior Deputy District Attorney Sidney Hester Sr.
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