Girlfriend and Drugs?
Question by freedomrider: girlfriend and drugs?
my girlfriend and i are under 18. before being with me, shes done drugs(ecstasy) and drinking, and she went to rehab for it. since rehab shes hung out with the same people that got her into it, and has done it once since then, and said shes never going to do it again, but she said specifically, “stills craves it”. i feel scared shes going to eventually go back to her old self, i tell her to get help but she refuses and just tells me she’s going to never again do it. what am i supposed to do?
Best answer:
Answer by Kasem
If you catch her in lies and find out she IS using again.. I hate to say it.. but talk to her parents.
Answer by you know it’s true
trust her.
support her.
believe in her.
be there for her.
Rules change means more drug offenders eligible for clemency
The changes are part of a broader effort by the Obama administration to modify sentencing laws, allowing for use of rehabilitation and other alternatives to deal with non-violent drug offenders and those who previously faced tough mandatory minimum …
A 'great' community
Coleman, born and raised in Butler County, has served Morgantown for decades, including serving as county circuit court clerk for 18 years, establishing two drug rehab programs, founding a local DAR chapter and serving on numerous community boards.
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