Drug De-Addiction Program – a Talk by Sangeeta Jani, Sr Art of Living Teacher


Drug De-addiction Program – A talk by Sangeeta Jani, Sr Art of Living Teacher – Art of Living teacher Sangitaji explains bad effects of smoking, drugs. de-addiction program.SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: A humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and ambassador of peace. His vision of a stress-free, violence-free society has united millions of people the world over through service projects and the courses of The Art of Living. In 1982, Sri Sri entered a 10 day period of silence in Shimoga located in the Indian state of Karnataka. Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing technique, was born. With time, the Sudarshan Kriya became the core of the Art of Living courses. Visit srisriravishankar.org for more info. ART OF LIVING Sri Sri founded The Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization. Its educational and self-development programs offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being. Appealing not only to a specific population, these practices have proven effective globally at all levels of society. Visit www.artofliving.org for more info. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HUMAN VALUES (IAHV) — In 1997, he co-founded the International Association for Human Values (IAHV) to coordinate sustainable development projects, nurture human values and coordinate conflict resolution in association with The Art of Living. In India, Africa and South America, the two sister organizations’ volunteers are spearheading sustainable growth in rural communities, and have already reached out to over


Pete Townshend traces drug abuse, alcohol addiction, infidelity in new biography

Filed under: drug addiction articles

TORONTO – Legendary Who guitarist Pete Townshend has weathered drug abuse, alcohol addiction, infidelity, near-deafening rock 'n' roll assaults to his ears and, of course, those infamous child pornography charges. Townshend discusses these trials …
Read more on Vancouver Sun


From Twitter:

Aim Of Alcohol and drugs detox Alcohol Rehabilitation and Double …: The main goal of drug rehab programs is al… http://t.co/DaIJQjmd – by LiquorBargain (LiquorBargain)


From Twitter:

News: Speakers Provide Personal, Powerful Stories of Drug Addiction: The Shawsheen Technical High School graduat… http://t.co/IKpVk5g8 – by SLByTheSea4u (Dion Silva)


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