Where Can I Find a Free or No Cost Drug Rehab? I Live in Se Ks So Hopefully in Ok, Ks, or Mo.?
Question by john j: where can i find a free or no cost drug rehab? i live in se ks so hopefully in ok, ks, or mo.?
i’ve search the web & all the low cost rehabs that i find start off w/ a $ 10,000 down pmt w/ monthy pmts of $ 5,000. sorry, but anyone w/ a drug habit knows that they don’t have that much money. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! i need to find a treatment center NOW before my husband changes his mind about rehab again. Thank you!!!!
Best answer:
Answer by sncmom2000
First off, do you have medical insurance? Most policies have some coverage for in-house treatment. They may be able to guide you.
Have you contacted your county Mental Health department or Health department? They may be able to guide you too.
Have you asked a family doctor or the pastor at your church?
I wish you well.
Answer by phonehoe34
I would check out some local support groups that deal with drug rehab. They usually have resources to all of what you are looking for. They should steer you in the right direction. Or go to some local catholic churches. They can help as well. Good look.
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