Prescription Drug Abuse Becoming Bigger Issue

Prescription drug abuse becoming bigger issue
ILLINOIS — Prescription drug abuse is an ongoing problem in Central Illinois. ILLINOIS — Prescription drug abuse is an ongoing problem in Central Illinois. Getting money to help abusers fight the habit is getting harder. Drug prevention experts say, over …
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Drug abuse dangerous – no matter where you are
The NCADA’s 2013 Youth Perception Survey has shown that while our youth view drugs and drug abuse negatively, the older ones are more likely to … While the NCADA extends its condolences to the families of Singaporeans involved in the recent drug abuse …
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Keep up drug abuse coverage, Bridgewater Scout urges Enterprise
Here is Steven Anderson’s letter to the editor which asks the newspaper to be vigilant in it’s coverage of the region’s drug epidemic: Steven’s letter to the editor Here is Steven Anderson’s letter to the editor which asks the newspaper …
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