How Many Innocent American Lives Would Have to Be Taken by Mad Men and People Under Drug Influence?

Question by K2010: How many innocent American lives would have to be taken by mad men and people under drug influence?
before they are locked up in psych words for forced treatment or imprisoning. It is hard enough to get on in such institution against their will. But it is so WRONG. That has nothing to do with Constitution. We, the people have the right to walk free, to ride public transportation. Look what happen recently in NY. Maxim Gelman, a 23 y.o killed 4 people, wounded several on train. He has long history of drug addiction,

Best answer:

Answer by DN4CER
But, he was a proud member of the New York Democratic Party.

Isn’t that worth anything at all??

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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New Helpline in Killeen Makes Addiction Recovery Possible

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Drug Rehab Killeen's new addiction helpline is providing valuable information about addiction and the different treatment methods available. … Call toll-free at (254) 731-4352 or visit them online at for more …
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2013-12-01T00:00:00Z The H Group The Southern

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As the largest behavioral healthcare provider in the region, The H Group provides mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment, life skills enrichment and services for adults with developmental disabilities. For the nearly 9,000 children, youth …
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Heroin Has Taken Root In Chautauqua County

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While incarcerations for drug-related crimes are up, insufficient treatment for addicts is leading to countless repeat offenders and overcrowded jails. The Chautauqua County Jail, for example, typically houses federal inmates, which generates …
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