What Are the Medically-Recognized Types of Addiction?

Question by grammar_cleopatra: What are the medically-recognized types of addiction?
Is there like an official medical list of the types of addictions (like drug addiction, nicotine addiction, etc)? Or can anything at all become addictive?

Best answer:

Answer by sasu
Hello ,

Try this link it’s really very useful and has all addictions classified in alphabetical order .
Take care .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Is drug addiction a choice or a disease? (re: Drugs are Super Fun) – This is a response to the following video: www.youtube.com Typical nervousneuron style, taking a 3 min video and making a 15 min response. But the question “Are people who are addicted to drugs weak?” is actually quite complicated. Of course, most of us could reply with our yes or no answer with a personal anecdote. But if we go deeper, new questions arise such as ‘are all behaviours choices?’ and ‘what is a disease?’. For the tl;dnw version, basically addiction is a disease of choice. People may be predisposed to addiction but that does not mean there is nothing they can do about it. There is still personal responsibility, but it is not weakness of character. Compulsions are strong, so resisting them would be more of a strength of character. LINKS: Pleasure unwoven: www.youtube.com Nicotine and gene polymorphism study: www.nature.com I did not go into this specific study into detail because it would require another 15 mins to explain it properly. And it requires knowledge of the pharmacology of nicotinic receptors as well as some brain anatomy (the habenula and the interpeduncular nucleus) and understanding the methods requires knowledge of rat/mouse self administration protocols and neurohistochemistry. Magazine article on the question: www.cosmosmagazine.com Animal models of addiction: www.acnp.org (I only skimmed this so don’t know if it’s the best) Any questions, ask away in the comments.


Lindsay Lohan Using Drugs Because Of Her Mom, Says Michael Lohan

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Michael tells us that Lindsay had no business partying in London since she's battling drug and alcohol problems and that Dina is pressuring Lindsay to attend these types of “quick cash” events. “Lindsay is Dina's income,” Michael tells us. “It's the …
Read more on Hollywood Life


Experts: Area drug addiction up

Filed under: drug addiction articles

Prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rise in unintentional drug overdose death rates nationwide has been driven by increased use of opioid …
Read more on Oneonta Daily Star


From Twitter:

Drug Abuse in Seniors on the Rise: http://t.co/KhPOjLGg – by Cancers_Curable (Cancer is Curable)


From Twitter:

#China’s Controversial Brain Surgery To Cure Drug #Addiction: http://t.co/7WUcE6fA | #practice – by TibidyUS (Tibidy)


From Twitter:

The Powerful Role of Cognitive Thinking Errors in #Addiction – http://t.co/NuxYKr0H – by RecoveryRanch (The Ranch)