Drug Addiction Relapse – Jacklyn Discusses Her Drug Abuse and Addiction Recovery at Palm Partners
Drug Addiction Relapse – Jacklyn Discusses Her Drug Abuse And Addiction Recovery At Palm Partners – Drug addiction relapse, a problem for you too? In this video, Jacklyn explains how she overcame her drug abuse and addiction. Listen how Palm Partners drug rehab center in Florida finally helped her after her relapse. Addicted to drugs and need help now, go to www.palmpartners.com My name is Jacklyn and I’m from New Jersey. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve put myself on a pedestal and I was always lower than everybody else so growing up, I always acted as someone that I wasn’t and I did everything everyone else wanted me to do. I didn’t have my own thoughts or beliefs. I always relied on other people to tell me how I feel. Drugs was an escape for me. It brought me out of my shell, and that was the only way I knew how to be myself. And even then I wasn’t myself but I thought I was. When I was 17 years old, I completely went downhill. I dropped out of high school and just isolated myself. If it wasn’t for my family, I would have never even went to treatment. I was here once before and it was the best experience of my life. I had 9 months clean and it was the most amazing 9 months that I ever had. Then I started hanging out with the wrong people and yet I again I fell into not being myself anymore and I relapsed and ten days later, I ended up back here at palm partners. And this time was even better because now I knew what the program was about and I knew that it did work. So this time I am going to get it, I will get it, and I won’t let anything get in my way or stop me …
Recovery Connection offers help, hope
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
Staff members at the Recovery Connection, 33 Main St. in Marlborough, are helping many people in recovery from alcohol and/or drug addition find a new life, free of addiction. (l to r) Program Director Angela Dalessio, Peer Coordinators Kelly Averill …
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Recovering heroin addicts may lose their inner voice
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
Faulkner and Cherie Marvel, also of Johns Hopkins, recruited six people who had never used drugs and six recovering from a heroin addiction who were taking methadone to help. They showed the volunteers an image, either of a word, a Chinese character, …
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Chafee tours state's 1st recovery high school
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
Gov. Lincoln Chafee and other state leaders toured the Anchor Learning Academy on Wednesday. It's known as a "recovery high school" and is designed to help students who have completed addiction treatment focus on classwork while working to stay clean …
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Could diabetes drug help treat those suffering from addiction?
Filed under: drug addiction help recovery
“We don't expect this to be a magic bullet where one can simply take this drug and their addiction goes away, but hopefully a medicine like this, in combination with social and behavioral support, will help an addict on the road to recovery,” Stanwood …
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Addiction, Recovery, Self Help: Hustlers Anonymous | The Fix http://t.co/vKNXfpNn http://t.co/aKk7k3UC – by NoelMcDermott (Noel McDermott)
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Wouldn’t it make more sense to help drug users with their addiction recovery rather than throw them in jail? #GaryJohnson4President – by SomeLibertarian (Some Libertarian)
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Drug addiction is drug addiction, and those who are enslaved by it need drug addiction help. http://t.co/POIeoxMG http://t.co/4TxadBwX – by CliftonDP (CDP)